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When I was a kid, I didn’t know I wanted to be a creative director & filmmaker…
Cut to a lifetime later and I can’t imagine being anything else.


It’s so obvious. 
(Of course, in hindsight,  much of life often is).
So… I won an Emmy last year, raised significant capital to produce some features, made a silly amount of shorts and I have my first feature currently in post-production.

Busy, busy, busy… but I feel that the journey is just beginning.
I don't mind admitting that I am creatively greedy, enjoying all facets of production and able to manage them with distinction from conceptualisation to post. The creative and the practical.
I’ve done the big commercials, the low-budget indies, promos, corporates, documentaries, and everything in between.
It all began with me drawing as a kid. Stealing my father’s Polaroid, which sparked my passion for photography & cameras. A simple love of painting and absorbing any and everything art-related.
Thus, I ventured forth through my adolescence, arming myself with an A’level & foundation degree in art, a BA in graphic design, and an MA in film. 

Funnily, looking back at it all now, from toddler to man, film was ever-present.
My cousin Ryan would bring weekly pirated VHS tapes of the current cinema releases. The ‘A-Z’ video store was just down the road… All of my family had a profound influence upon my ever-growing eclectic taste in films.
From Terminator to Hellraiser to Freddie Kruger, my brother would show me the most inappropriate films for a 6-year-old, My Mum would alleviate the horror with Jimmy Stewart films, such as It’s a Wonderful Life. And my father encouraged me to watch everything from Pacino’s greatest hits to Blue Velvet.
So, if you need a writer, a script editor, a director, a producer, or an editor, I am always eagerly anticipating my next creative endeavour.
Looking forward to hearing from you.


+44 (0) 7898 745 623

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